A man completes his daily tasks and chores before returning home, exhausted from the traffic. This is solely for the purpose of spending quality time with his wife and children. And gain movements of happiness. How good is she? If a faithful and pious wife is warm, welcome him with a lovely heart and eyes.
Some women are absent when their husbands come home. Perhaps she is preoccupied with work or visits an aunt, friend, parent, or neighbor. This leaves a negative impression on his heart. He comes home with the hope and desire that she will be a source of comfort for his mind, peace, and contentment.
Sometimes the wife is present at home, but she does not welcome or pay attention to him well and makes him feel ashamed or gets busy with some other work. When extended, they are greeted with shouts, complaints, noises, vengeful hearts, taunts, and angry faces, like someone very angry and waiting to avenge blood. It is a welcome that will make the husband wish he could go back to the place he came from.
O my Muslim sister, would you like me to narrate to you a story from the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about how well she used to welcome her husbands on their arrival?
Imam Bukhari stated that one of Abu Talha’s children was sick; meanwhile, he went on a journey. Later, the child died. When Abu Talha returned home, he asked, How is my child? His wife responded by saying that her child was doing well. Then the pious wife served the evening meal to her husband. Addressing the situation, she poses a question: if someone borrows something from someone else, it remains with him for as long as Allah wills. However, if the owner of the borrowed item demands its return, should he refuse to return it? Can the person who returned property grieve when the original owner owns it? She said no. She added, Your son has passed away. Abu Talha said, “Where is he?” Umm Sulaim replied, “He is in that room.” Next morning Abu Talha went to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and told him about his wife and child. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) said, By Allah, who has sent me with the truth, because of this woman’s patience with her child, Allah has gifted her another child in her womb.
After a long time, one companion saw nine children in her house. They were all Quran reciters and scholars. Mahsallah
Allah, how great and wide is Umm Sulaim’s wisdom? What would be more important news than this news for a man to be informed of the death of his heart piece? What is the impact of such news on the father and what a big shock it is? Of course, they also loved their son as we did.
Look, the good husband asked the first question about his son—what is his condition? Would his wife Foran have said that he was dead? She never gave the sad news to her husband because she thought that my husband had come home in a state of fatigue and anxiety, and then this good wife did not bother or torture him.
Because the world of the hereafter is better than this world, when he realized that my husband was able to hear the sad news, he first convinced him of a situation that totally relates to the incident. It is a matter of acknowledging the value that the son was Allah’s trust with us and Allah took it back, so why malleate ourselves?
My Islamic sister, if you’re married, welcome your husband in the same way.