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A perfect model for Muslim wife

One day, Qazi Shureh met Imam Sha’bi. He asked him about domestic life. He replied, I have not seen anything bad in my wife that made me angry. Imam Sha’bi asked how this is possible? He replied, I found her very pretty the first night. so I started performing ablution and prayed two Nafls for gratitude. And she was doing the same behind me. I went to my wife and extended my hand to her, so she said, “Stay here.” Then he recited. 

الحمد لله احمده واستعينه واصلي على محمد واله

Praise be to God; I praise Him, seek His help, and send blessings upon Muhammad and his family.

Then she said, I am a woman who is far away from my homeland. I don’t know your manners and habits. Please tell me about your likes so I do the same, and dislikes so I don’t do. You love me in a good way and forgive me for my mistakes. I will also keep asking forgiveness from Allah for my sins and yours. 

And I said, Undoubtedly, you said it well. May your steps be firm; you be lucky and blessed. I like such and such work. I dislike such and such work. If you see any good in me, spread it. If you see any defect in me, hide it. I don’t like my in-laws to tease me. 

Then she asked, Which neighbors would you like to come to your house and who should I not allow?. Then I instructed her about some good and bad people in town.

Qazi says that night we lived well. I didn’t see anything objectionable in her. 1 year passed, and I met a woman in my house. I asked, “Who is she?” She is your mother-in-law, my wife replied. She asked me, “How did my daughter treat you?” I said, great wife. Then my mother-in-law advised me, Only one of these situations makes a woman rude, ungrateful, ignorant, and hurtful. When

  1. She becomes the mother of a child (she starts preferring children over him). 
  2. When her husband fulfills all of her wishes blindly.

No matter how much you want to make my daughter literate, mannered, and civilized, there is no stopping you. Kazi Sahib said this woman is mine. She has been living with me for 20 years; I have never seen anything objectionable in her. I objected to her only once; the fact is she was innocent in that too. It was my fault. 

                                 Husbands should be like him, wife should also be like her, and mothers of the wives, i.e.