12 Types of bad women

  1. Many women in society show their virtues while talking to shopkeepers, walking like beasts in the bazaars and streets without shame or modesty, and wearing tight dresses. Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) has said about this type, “They will not even smell the fragrance of Jannah.” Do these women bother to educate their children about Islam? Children are like you.
  1. There is also a type of woman who does not think of prayer at all; some of them pray in front of their husbands so that they praise them and leave all the prayers in their absence. Such women should be afraid of Allah Almighty. Their condition is similar to that of worldly women. Women in the meetings and gatherings they sit in will never talk about religion. Their gatherings will be empty with the mention of Allah’s name. The only things they discuss are where they bought clothes and shoes, how much they spent, how many suits they had, and ornaments. How much did they take, and when? Me too. Will I say this to my husband? 

They will approach the entire shopping interview with outstanding focus and enjoyment. Their next topic will be how your husband treats you and how your mother-in-law cohabitates. Then, even if the poor husband gives all kinds of rewards and he has provided all kinds of facilities, if one day there is any shortcoming from him, he forgets all the rewards and favors and makes hateful comments, condemning and slandering him. They will do that, just as there is no worse human being than him. Some of them have absolutely zero cleanliness in mannering their children, are extremely slow in the manners of living, and are extremely quick in disobeying their husbands. Ultimately, they choose to disobey their husbands at any cost. Even if his point is valid and beneficial, they still disobey him.


A woman used to act completely contrary to her husband. Meanwhile, her husband interprets her actions, telling her the exact opposite. Once they both went on a journey where they unexpectedly had to cross a canal or a river. The cattle were with them. During the river journey, she grabbed the buffalo’s tail for fear of drowning. Her husband, instead of telling her to hold the tail tightly, kept telling her to let it go, let it go, let it go. He knew that if I told her not to give up, it would backfire on me. She would give up.

However, for some reason, the tail slipped from her hand, causing her to drown. Her husband proceeded to search for her in the direction from which the water was coming. Someone asked, What are you looking for? As a result, he replied that my wife had drowned. I am looking for her. He said, Hey, stupid! Where is she? The water’s flow has carried her away. So wherever the water is going, look for her here. He replied that his whole life If I told her not to bake bread, she would do so; if I told her to bake it, she would not do so. I’ve lived with her all my life; I thought, still underwater, she must have been reversed.😀

  1. Some women continue to abuse their children. In addition to this abuse, some women also accuse their husband’s family of engaging in unacceptable behavior, citing examples such as a “dirty generation” and “dirty family.” Occasionally, they use the same language when referring to their husbands. This can lead to incorrect instruction for their children. They also start disrupting their in-laws in the same way and with the same abuses.

Then the hearts begin to tolerate the small mistakes and stubbornness of the children and say, “Why did Allah keep them in our fate? They must not be here; it would have been beneficial if they died.” Had she maintained control and manners with the children, the situation would never have escalated to this extent. Therefore, the fault lies solely with the individual, and it is not appropriate to blame Allah or the husband for it. Mother was the first seminary for children; wrong in the first seminary means the whole wrong life.

Once training is complete, correction will become challenging.

Such abuses and incorrect training can render a woman guilty in Allah’s eyes and remove her love from her husband’s heart. Such women will fill their cradles with their husbands’ hatred, but not love.

  1. Some women, when they go to the market or participate in any event, cover their ornaments in front of their husbands and relatives. And do not consider it necessary in their absence. A familiar person from their neighborhood suddenly appears in front of them; they immediately wear a hijab upon seeing him. Although before that she used to talk to the shopkeepers with bare heads and bare mouths.  So it is as if he is the only human to her. All the rest are jinns or other creatures. 

Such women can never win the hearts of their husbands, but only their hatred and enmity will.

  1. Some women, upon gaining a position, discover that everyone calls and remembers her as “Ms. Boss,” while her husband doesn’t. In her heart, she will feel love for strangers and hatred for their husbands. 

Nowa Waqt, a columnist on August 22, 2001, reported that a lady councilor in Sargodha became angry and injured her husband simply because the poor man came home and asked his wife for water. She became frustrated and said, “The officers, chairmen, many officials, and the entire city respect me, but every time you come home, you start terrorizing me.” This situation escalated to the police station, and they made peace between the wife and husband. 

Judge with justice: Will the woman who injures her husband and forces him to the police station win his heart, or will she face hatred, enmity, and anger?

  1. These women have spent a significant portion of their lives in diverse community and haram relations, including pubs, clubs, streets, nudity, and parties. They have submerged their morals and values, distancing themselves from Islamic teachings. And practices. She has developed a love for dance, porn, nudity, and fake life. She enjoys all facets of Western civilization. Music, watching harmful content, consuming alcohol and haram products, and temporary pleasures have destroyed and ruined her. 

It’s totally clear in thousands of examples that honor, shame, and modesty were buried a long time ago. Satan controls them and leads them away from the Qur’an, Sunnah, God, the Hereafter, and prayer, pushing them to hell.

If the husband has a strong religious faith, then the aforementioned women can never win their husbands’ hearts. But if their husbands are as disrespectful as they are, then the devils will be welcome in this house. Angels of mercy will not be able to enter. These women will also instruct children in a satanic manner rather than following the teachings of Islam and spirituality.

These women seek the services of so-called spiritual healers, consultants, and black magicians, who steal people’s wealth and faith, claim to know the unseen, and never offer prayers, live in dirty clothes, never bathe, and have connections to the devil. She considers ungodly people to be her elders or saints.

  1. Some women are also so cruel that they get upset over the little things about their husbands, and they always want to dominate their husbands in a state of anger. They object to their husbands spending time with their mothers and siblings. They want their husbands to be with them at all times. They go to enormous lengths to ensure this. 

So if someone says that a magician lives somewhere, he has solutions for everything except death. He or she may have seen an ad inviting anyone who is troubled or frustrated and believes my work is wrong. No one can act; this is us; despair is sin; shame and panic? Meet us. Gain success; our first strategy is fully effective in every corner of the world. We do not make false claims. Such women are definitely present there and have completely removed the fear of Allah from their hearts because of the fake talk and deception of these fake things that claim to be divine. 

After telling him about her poor husbands, she makes them cast spells (disbelief) on them, which spoil the world and the afterlife and sometimes weaken their husband’s muscles with the weakening of the memory. The problem increases day by night. Ultimately, those poor people lose their businesses and even their educational opportunities. How will such women win the hearts of their husbands? It is for their earnings. If they loved their husbands, they wouldn’t have oppressed them. 

She never gets tired of going out—healthy, strong, and on foot—to get her husband treated and to shop. However, when her husband returns home in the evening and notices her lying ill on the bed, her voice alters. The poor husband calls the doctor. After checking up, the doctor tells him that he has mental problems and needs rest. He also prescribes at least 100 dollars worth of medicine. She redeemed and spent so much money on her husband, making him worried, but in her absence, there is no need for any medicine; she keeps running. Remember, the world serves as a temporary home. And after death, there is an indescribable punishment that endures forever.

  1. In the case of anger, some women’s intolerance reaches such an extent that they are unable to control themselves and look for an opportunity to end their lives. They enter the room and commit suicide by hanging themselves from a noose, taking a poison pill, electrocuting themselves, jumping into a canal, and slaughtering their children. Some commit suicide by placing their heads under the train, while others jump from a height or set themselves on fire. All such women who kill themselves with a sharp blade should fear Allah and remember that our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has stated that “whoever kills himself with a sharp blade will kill himself with the same tool.” He will continue to carry out his killing. Until the day of judgment (resurrection), someone falls from the top of a mountain; they will continue to fall until the Day of Resurrection.” 

He did not attend the funeral of a suicide. Such women cannot become the beloved wives of their husbands, nor can they win their hearts.

  1. Some women are considered bad in the religious society only because their language is very poisonous, rude, and insulting. Even in front of them, their husbands remain silent. A poet expressed his disapproval of his wife’s speech. 


“My wife should not be my wife; when she speaks, you will feel like hell has opened.”

Even though such women are incomparable in beauty and their faces are rose flowers, they prove to be a thorn and darkness for their men. They generally do not consider themselves to be like us. Such women reject the highest language of love and sympathy, despite its importance. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was asked if a woman does a lot of voluntary worship in addition to obligatory prayers, fasting, and zakat. But the fault in her is that she keeps on torturing the people around her with her tongue. He said she would go to hell. Another woman was mentioned who performs a little obligatory worship along with prayers, gives a few pieces of cheese in charity, and refrains from hurting her neighbors with her tongue. He said she would go to heaven. This woman’s husband, mother-in-law, and father-in-law live close by. This is a very close neighborhood. What a sin it would be to torture them.

  1. Some women are also like those who have to purchase clothes, shoes, bangles, and other unnecessary items. They spent the entire night of Eid shopping for unnecessary things. Every time they watch TV, read newspapers, access resources, read novels, or hear about the fame of something in literature, their hearts are immediately tempted. Despite their husbands’ lack of financial strength, they still crave these customary items, even if it means taking out a loan to purchase them. The husband’s finances are geared towards women who own multiple suits, dozens of shoes, and other items.

Generally, their nails are very long; of course, prayer has nothing to do with it. Also, instead of bowing down to Allah Almighty and praying to Him, a large number of such women go to the graves and shrines to attend memorials. Hooker boys occasionally follow her and attempt to strip her of her clothes. These women also take their young daughters with them. 

See how the devil is playing with these people in a strange way and how these people go to memorials and consider it as a means of reward, even though these people are trapped in the trap of the devil, especially the women’s memory, respect, and honor. Despite their beauty, these women have embraced the world and abandoned the teachings of Islam. Such women have dark hearts; Satan has captured their hearts. I hope they will understand that their arrogance and pride should end, and this can only be done with the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. Study excellent religious books. Open their eyes. Watch religious content. A young girl, who did not practice prayer, had a deep affection for television. 

One day, there was a dancer on TV, and she was listening to the adhan while it started. The mother forbade her from continuing and instructed her to turn off the TV. On the day she died, before taking a bath, centipedes surrounded her bed. Then, after praying a lot, they gave her a chance to take a bath, so they all gathered in a corner of the house, but when they buried her, the same centipedes appeared from a corner of the grave.

  1. Some women only show stinginess towards their husband’s family members, including their mother, father, younger brother, sister, nephew, or niece, even when they have plenty of food and drink. They refuse to give their husband’s relatives anything, even if they have plenty. Their heart is hard, and they display extreme stinginess; even when asked, they refuse, even if the item spoils later. Why not throw it in the trash, even though feeding the hungry and thirsty can bring great rewards? A wicked woman gave food to a dog and was forgiven.

Similarly, such women are not happy at the presence of their husband’s relatives in their homes but do not even serve them water, even in hot weather. And if possible, they give them simple water. However, if any of their own relatives come, they host them well and spend money on them, even if his house is nearby.

They serve various kinds of food—pulao, fruits, etc.—with great love and devotion. If they discover that their husbands have given money to their mother, sister, or other family members as a gesture of peace or mercy, they tend to view their husbands negatively and blame them, leading to chaos in their homes and spreading gossip among common women. They claim that their spouses provide everything for them. They have nothing for us. 

Such women are incapable of winning their husbands’ hearts, and they also tend to keep their children away from their close relatives. They say that they are your enemies; don’t go to their house, and don’t let them take anything from them. The stupidity of such women reaches such an extent that if one of them sees her husband sitting next to her mother or if he hears it, they immediately fall on the ground with it and become sick. Even though she was in severe pain for his birth. Seeing him, she cooled her eyes and forgot all the pain. Then happily nursed him for two years and cleaned his dirt for a period without getting any favors.

If he did not drink milk, in his grief, she would stop eating, drinking, and sleeping. She does not feel any pain at night when there is no air. Instead of focusing on her own health, she continued to care for him despite his illness, caring for him through both nights and days, during periods of cold, depression, hunger, and difficult times. She continued to pass by and prayed to Allah Almighty for his success, wealth, and wellness. 

She married her with great desire and happiness, took her home with great compassion, and welcomed her with great honor. She’s now the same wife. After a few months, the bride turned out to be a bloodthirsty beast. And she tried to take her son away from her, angered at being kind to her own mother and paying a dollar for medicine. She doesn’t allow her to express emotions, nor does she allow her to express her sorrows and pains. 

Tell me with justice, “What will happen to this mother’s heart?” Won’t her heart cry tears of blood? What will you say about a wife whose modesty has ended?

Will this wife, like her daughter-in-law, treat her own mother like this? Will she be comfortable with her daughter-in-law treating her similarly? take her son away from her. 

Mother, she is the wind of heaven. The world cannot find an example like hers. Such women should know that separation and abandonment are great sins. Mother discovers that the first rightholder is the cause of their depression and problems. Bride’s love for maternally related relatives continues to grow, and she works hard on it. In a similar way, children should be taught to respect and honor their father and his relatives. 

For example, they should be taught how to take care of their sick relatives, assist in ablution, fill the water, make a bed, feed them, greet them, and spend time with them. Making them feel that they are their own; their grandparents are their parents, serving them like parents. This is necessary to please Allah and win their husbands’ hearts. One day, everyone will have to go to the grave.

  1. Some women fall from the hearts of their husbands because their hearts are harder towards their children than a rock or a stone. For whatever reason, they become angry with their child, who has urinated or messed up on the bed. They slapped him on the face and back. If a poor child breaks a glass vessel, it is a terrible thing for him. However, on such occasions, one should recite “Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ileihi Rajioon” (Surely we belong to Allah, and to him we shall return). Or the poor child may visit a relative and think he’s my uncle or paternal aunt.

And these women are giving up talking with them, but it is too late for them to know that our child or girl went to the house of our enemies. The bangles are also broken, even though the poor individual is unaware of the sin for which he is receiving the punishment. It is as if he were a great robber, so if that pitiful poor child eats any of their cooked food or asks for a rupee from them, she punishes him as much as she would a Jew or a Hindu. 

Some less intelligent women take their children by both hands, carry them up, and then, with complete cruelty, throw them on the ground. They give her an iron object with full force, like an arrow or a spear. Despite their efforts, some women, like Zalekha, choose to deny it in front of their husbands. They said nothing. Such women can never win the hearts of their husbands. 

It is surprising that such women seem to have forgotten their childhood. They are oppressive; they have been doing the same. They should fear Allah; these children are Allah’s blessing and trust. And they should be educated in Islam. Do not make them the ones who break relationships; even Allah will not have mercy on such a hard heart. 

All these types of women should listen carefully to the words of the Messenger of Allah; peace and blessings be upon him. When I first saw Hell, I noticed that it was primarily populated by women. He mentioned. The women asked him the reason for this, and he said, “You are ungrateful to your husbands.” If the husband continues to be kind to his wife for a long time, then if she ever sees something bad, she says that I have never seen any good in you. 

Most of the people go astray; their morals and ethics are lies, and they are going towards darkness. They leave prayers for sports. Religious scholars have also stopped commanding good deeds, forbidding evil deeds, and resisting these.

If you want to be a good Muslim woman, start learning from the lives of the best women in the world (family of prophet Muhammad pbuh). Start learning in one-on-one online classes at your available time. Check out Muslim Women Course.

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