Effects of sins on a happy married life

There is no difference in the opinion of any two people regarding this matter: disobedience to Allah Almighty causes sorrow and anxiety in man, creates blackness on the face and hardness in the heart, transforms happiness into misery, transforms love into dislike, and leads to numerous other harms.

One of the scholars said:

        “Indeed, when I disobey Allah, I see its effect in the behaviours of my wife and animals.”.

Hafiz Ibn Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

                                                                                       In this world and the hereafter, there are the worst consequences to sins that cause so much damage to a person’s heart and body, which only Allah knows best. And some of them are

  1. Deprivation of knowledge: Because knowledge is a light that Allah Almighty puts in the heart of a servant and sin erases this light.
  1. Horror: Due to sin, a terror is created in the heart that the sinner feels between himself and his Lord. It is like a disconnection that does not feel the pleasure inside the heart at all. Even if all the pleasures of the world are collected in the heart. But with the horror that has arisen in the heart, he cannot benefit or feel even a bit of pleasure. This is something that can be felt only by a person who has real life in his heart and is full of spirituality. So if he who is dead does not even feel the pain of a wound, then a dead heart person is the loss of the pleasure of his heart and horror. Abandoning the sins in order to avoid horror is not a good idea. The only solution for a wise person is to abandon sins so that he does not feel horror in his heart.
  1. Horror in self: Due to sin, fear and dissociation are created between the sinner and other people, especially the good people, because that sinful person feels like an alienation between himself and them. And the more this fear becomes stronger, this person will be far away from their gatherings and deprived of the blessing of them that he was supposed to benefit from. The more he is away from the group of the Merciful, the more he will be close to the devil and his group. This horror will happen in his marital, parental, and relative lives. Even this person feels horror from himself.
  1. Hurdles at work: His tasks will be made very difficult for him. When he is focused on something, he will find a closed door in front of him or something difficult. This is the case, as if a person has taqwa (fear of Allah), then Allah makes his work easy. vise versa. 

How hard it feels when he does not even know why it happened, and what is the real reason?

  1. He feels a darkness in his heart: The darkness of sin is on his heart like the darkness of the night before his eyes. Because good is light and sin is darkness. Whenever the darkness becomes strong, he starts doing destroyers like shirk (polytheism), ignorance, and evil deeds without knowing. Like a blind person walking alone in the darkness of the night. Sometimes it even starts to appear in the eyes and then becomes more severe so that it covers the face. And black spots appear on the face that everyone can see.

Ibn E Abbas (R.A) said:

                                      Verily, goodness shines on the face. In the heart, there is light.  There is plenty of sustenance. There is strength in the body. And there is love for that person settles in the hearts of people. Evil, of course, causes blackness on the face, darkness in the heart, and weakness in the body, a lack of sustenance, hatred, and enmity for that person in the hearts of people.

  1. Short Lifespan: Due to sins, the lifespan is shortened and its blessings are lost. While good deeds extend the lifespan and blessings in it.
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